數聯資安以專業的資安服務團隊、深厚的資安經驗及多元的國際合作夥伴,協助企業建構安全的網絡環境。隨著應用需求的多元轉變,結合大數據、AI、雲端等技術應用於資安服務,提供企業完善的資安防護體系。 身為國內資安服務領導廠商,全方位資安服務包含:資訊安全監控、資訊安全檢測、資安治理顧問及資安解決方案。更擁有唯一通過3項ISO認證且結合大數據的監控中心,而服務客群擴及政府、金融業、醫療、製造…等各產業。
Information Security Service Digital United Inc. (ISSDU) helps enterprises build secure network environments with professional information security service teams, deep information security experience, and diverse international partners. As application requirements change rapidly, we integrated technological applications, such as big data, AI, and cloud into our information security services to provide enterprises with complete information security protection systems. As a leading company of information security services in Taiwan, our comprehensive information security services including Information security monitoring, information security testing, information security governance consulting, and information security solutions. We pride ourselves on owning the only monitoring center, which has passed three ISO certifications and integrated big data. Customers we have served from the government industry, financial industry, medical industry to manufacturing, etc.