眾至資訊股份有限公司(ShareTech Information Co.,LTD)成立於1999 年, 最初以IP 分享器為銷售重心,隨著駭客、病毒、木馬、垃圾郵件、洩密事件不斷,陸續推出各種網路安全解決方案及產品。2016 年度與全球網路產品領導廠商合勤科技㇐起攜手合作,提供國內通路商與企業用戶更多產品與技術支援的加值服務,結合雙方在產品開發、通路體系與技術服務的優勢。眾至資訊擁有最堅強的研發團隊、熱忱的服務態度、專業的技術規畫,主要目標是提供所有客戶更完整的網路解決方案(包含新世代UTM、內網防火牆、OT 防護設備、硬體式郵件伺服器、郵件歸檔伺服器、軟體式郵件)。
Taichung-based ShareTech provides intelligent network security and data protection solutions that allow industries, education institutions, and government to connect and collaborate securely. Founded in 1999, ShareTech initially focused on selling IP routers. As IT networks grow in complexity, ShareTech expanded its business focus to information security and aimed to provide more affordable and reliable IT products for any size organization. ShareTech provides intelligent network security and data protection solutions that allow industries, education institutions, and the government to connect and collaborate securely. In 2016, ShareTech cooperated with one of the best Taiwan global brands - ZyXEL, to provide more products and value-added technical support for domestic distributors and businesses.