奧義智慧科技 (CyCraft Technology) 是一間專注於 AI 自動化技術的資安科技公司,研發出自動化威脅曝險管理平台「XCockpit」,由獨家 Cyber + AI 技術針對端點安全、特權帳號、外部攻擊面等三大核心面向,提供視覺化的態勢管理介面、實時的攻擊面監測,專注於企業的攻擊面與攻擊路徑管理。
奧義智慧科技創立於 2017 年,企業總部位於臺灣,於日本、新加坡皆設有子公司,持續為亞太地區的政府機關、警政國防、銀行和高科技製造產業提供專業資安服務,並連續兩年被東京都政府選為《東京都中小企業資安強化專案》的專屬資安供應商,為數百間日本中小企業提供自動化的資安防護方案。
從「創新 AI 技術、賦能企業資安」出發,奧義智慧科技將 AI 與機器學習技術應用在資安實務工作中,並獲得華威國際集團 (The CID Group) 與淡馬錫控股旗下蘭亭投資 (Pavilion Capital) 的強力支持、國際頂尖研究機構 Gartner、IDC、Frost & Sullivan 的多項認可,以及海內外大獎的多次肯定。
CyCraft Technology stands as a pioneering force in AI plus cybersecurity, bolstered by the support of leading venture capitalists. CyCraft has developed the world’s first Autonomous Threat Exposure Management Platform called XCockpit, focusing on managing attack surface paths of enterprises to anticipate potential threats and exposures before breaching. This innovative platform is specifically designed to cater to the needs of organizations prioritizing security investments based on threat exposure management.
Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Taiwan, CyCraft has overseas offices in Japan and Singapore, serving government agencies, major banks, the defense industry, leading semiconductor foundries, and IC design houses. The company has garnered multiple recognitions from top international research institutions such as Gartner, IDC, and Frost & Sullivan.