Build For Trust
由 AI 與數據驅動 打造數位信任網絡
深耕全球數位防詐產業超過 10 年,以信任科技為核心,長年致力於數據驅動技術,並積極發展 AI 科技應用。隨著數位世界的信任問題持續擴大,Gogolook 瞄準用戶端與企業端需求,提供不同場景的數位防詐解決方案,打造全方位的信任生態系。
.AI 與數據驅動科技
以號碼資料庫作為通訊防詐與風險評估基礎,運用 AI 機器學習與數據驅動技術,提供全球化數位防詐服務。
具備全球最大的通訊與數位詐騙數據資料庫,涵蓋電話號碼、網站、虛擬貨幣錢包地址等因子,擁有東亞與東南亞最齊全 26 億筆號碼資料庫,並結合先進的 AI 技術,同時為消費者與企業提供多元的防詐與金融科技服務
從電話通訊防詐領域出發,橫跨數位通訊、金融科技與企業 SaaS,持續透過自主研發與策略合作強化產品組合,拓展國際市場與創新防詐服務。
Gogolook 以龐大的號碼資料庫為基礎,打造全球防詐產業鏈,並以台灣為據點,服務範圍涵蓋韓國、日本、香港、泰國、巴西、馬來西亞等 30 多國,集團事業版圖從亞洲拓展至歐美地區,並深受跨國警政肯定 。
Gogolook is a leading TrustTech company established in 2012. With “Build for Trust” as its core value, it aims to create an AI- and data-driven global anti-fraud network. From multi-communication to fintech, and SaaS, Gogolook creates trustworthy empowerment with the use of technology in various fields.
A founding member of the Global Anti-Scam Alliance (GASA), Gogolook has also teamed up with a number of institutes such as the Taiwan National Police Agency, the Financial Supervisory Service of South Korea, Thai Royal Police and NCSA, the Fukuoka city government, the Philippines Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center, and the Royal Malaysia Police to fight fraud and ultimately, to build a trustworthy communication network with the largest number database in East Asia and Southeast Asia.
In July 2023, TrustTech provider Gogolook completed its IPO listing on the Taiwan Innovation Board (TIB) of the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE), under the ticker number 6902.