悠勢科技於 2016 年創辦於台灣,提供智慧停車服務 「USPACE」是亞洲最大智慧停車管理平台,擁有物聯網硬體開發與軟體平台研發技術,從私人車位共享平台起家,結合IoT(物聯網)智慧地鎖,近年成功進駐知名飯店如晶華酒店、萬豪酒店、茹曦酒店、喜來登大飯店等星級飯店,合作產業遍及商業大樓、百貨商場、政府機關、學校、豪宅社區、餐廳店家等停車場域,迄今已合作近1,000座場域,提供近90,000格智慧化車位管理,累積超過上千萬筆訂單,擁有近70萬實名會員,從街邊的小型車位一步擴展國際版圖至台灣及日本市場,並在資本市場取得青睞。並在 2022 年推出「 UDRIVE 」電車租賃平台,透過 USPACE App 即可一鍵租特斯拉系列車款專人送到府,打破傳統租車的地域限制。在綠能出行的基礎上,後續又成立了「Ucharge」充電站管理,用戶透過USPACE App讓停車、租車、充電可以一站式完成。
Uspace Technology was founded in Taiwan in 2016, providing smart parking services. "USPACE" is the largest smart parking management platform in Asia, possessing both IoT hardware development and software platform R&D capabilities. Starting as a private parking space sharing platform combined with IoT smart locks, it has successfully entered renowned hotels such as Regent Hotel, Marriott Hotel, Just Sleep Hotel, and Sheraton Grand Hotel in recent years. Its partnerships span across commercial buildings, shopping malls, government agencies, schools, luxury residential communities, and restaurants. To date, it has partnered with nearly 1,000 locations, offering smart management for nearly 90,000 parking spaces, accumulating over ten million orders, and having close to 700,000 registered members. Expanding from small street parking spaces, it has extended its international footprint to the Taiwan and Japan markets, gaining favor in the capital market. In 2022, it launched the "UDRIVE" electric vehicle rental platform, allowing users to rent Tesla models with door-to-door delivery via the USPACE App, breaking traditional rental geographic limitations. Building on green mobility, it subsequently established the "Ucharge" charging station management, enabling users to complete parking, car rental, and charging in a one-stop service through the USPACE App.